What is Terra?
Terra Inc. is a geotechnical engineering company that designs solutions for complex civil engineering projects that are ethical, environmentally friendly and most importantly sustainable. At Terra Inc. our main field of expertise is Geotechnical Engineering, which is the field of civil engineering connecting the superstructure (above the ground surface) with its foundation (below the ground surface), the underlying soil. One of the greatest challenges of Geotechnical Engineering is the fact that the properties of the soil vary significantly from one location to the next. In one spot you can find clays at 5 ft depth and sand at 10 ft depth; 50ft from this spot, you can find sands at 5 ft depth and clay at 10 ft depth. This level of unpredictability makes the accurate representation of the subsurface properties of paramount importance.
Apart from the topographical variation, these properties may change drastically also as the environmental conditions fluctuate. A heavy rainfall for instance is detrimental to the soil strength and may lead to failures causing flooding in residential areas or landslides in hilly places. Another event that can significantly affect the properties of soils is an earthquake, which can result in the liquefaction of the soil – that is, make the soil behave like it is a liquid with no supporting strength.
Soil properties may also vary with time, especially due to the interaction with the supported structures: creep, or accumulating deformation under constant loading conditions, may lead to disastrous failures (e.g., tunnel failures). Just as the strength of a mattress changes over time after it is subjected to weight.
The fact that the soil is the stratum providing the support for the foundation of our structures is what constitutes a crucial part of our field of study. The interaction of the soil with our infrastructure is profound, since either in the form of providing the foundation support or in the form of earth structures (earth dams, retaining walls, levees etc.), the soil properties are critical factors which will always have to be taken into account in the design and they often vary the most when compared to other parameters. The direct connection between the soil and the elements of nature combined with the uncertainty about the soil’s true properties is the source of the Geotechnical Engineer’s main challenges and, subsequently, great opportunities for creative designs and solutions. The profound importance and unsung relevance of this field is becoming every day more evident, especially with more climate change induced imbalance in our ecosystem which makes our infrastructure more susceptible to extreme events (heavy weather conditions, flash floods, earthquakes, etc.). For this reason, the need for an increased effort toward more sustainable systems is underlined.
A Letter From the CEO
I have always admired the fact that humanity isn't only capable of construction but also of maintenance, this is important because it secures our past and makes us see the future more clearly.
Since its conception, Terra has been continuously finding innovative ways to not only fight the inevitabilities of time but also to revitalise the way we see the world.
New technologies are required in order to attract newer workforce. This is why the implementation of simulations are necessary teaching tools, that allow for hands on experiences without real world consequences.. Since they are also widely available, this creates a bridge allowing the private sector to have a better view of our work, which allows for a better understanding and respect of our domain.
Dean Mauritz,
CEO, Terra Inc.